PM Kishan - Bulletin

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Pon Maa Kishan's hard work and dedication lead to a successful career, dedication, and commitment to his desired end, a goal you can't shake, which is what life is all about.


Pon Maa Kishan has a wide range of mental abilities such as intelligent reasoning, problem solving, learning, perceiving and adapting to new situations.

Smart Work

Pon Maa Kishan's smart work is done as a motivational tool to achieve goals more efficiently by executing his tasks efficiently, delegating responsibilities neatly to others, and utilizing available resources.

Years of Success
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About Pon Maa Kishan

Pon Maa Kishan is the Founder of Wings of Aero. Also, he previously worked as an Initiator and Coordinator of the ISRO Outreach Network Centre, Aerospace Engineering at Chandigarh University. Pon Maa Kishan has taken the initiative to work on collaborative projects with ISRO Centres like IIRS, VSSC, and ISRO Propulsion Complex. Under this center, ISRO-certified courses are organized for the students and faculty of Chandigarh University. So far, more than 500 students and faculty have engaged in ISRO activities under ISRO Outreach Centre.

Pon Maa Kishan A and Director Aishwarya Dhara titled “Opportunities in Aerospace” broadcasted at PuthiyaThalaimurai Tamil Satellite Channel.


Digital Marketing [Certification] Google & The Open University 2022

CCE – Entrepreneurship [Certification] Indian School of Business 2021

Master of Engineering in Aero        Faculty of Mechanical Engineering – Anna University, Chennai. 2015

Bachelor of Engineering in Aero   Faculty of Mechanical Engineering – Anna University, Chennai. 2012

He acts as

Startup Mentor

Guest Speaker

Aerospace Research

Marketing Analyst

Business Developer

Technical Event Organizer

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